Holy Scriptures

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Divine plays of Supreme God Kabir

The real god is Kabir ji, with each of his spectacle one realizes the power of God.
He descends on lotus flower from Satlok.
While playing spectacle of an illiterate he gave such knowledge which was not found in the scriptures till date by the people who knew Sanskrit.

God Kabir explained 10-year-old boy Garib Das Ji Maharaj his knowledge and showed him Satlok, and took him in his refuge and made him the permanent resident in Satlok.

Parmeshwar Kabir Sahib took Seu Samman in his refuge by explaining true spiritual knowledge and made him the richest merchant of that city in response to the food they gave him to eat and provided them salvation.

Took Gorakh Nath in Refuge
Kabir Ji himself had a discussion with Gorakh Nath Ji who came for the dicsussion with swami Ramanand ji; the guru of Kabir Ji. He discussed with Gorakh Nath Ji and defeated him and introduced him true knowledge and showed him the way to salvation.

Lord Kabir saved millions of people from the atrocities of SheikhTaki.

Ignorant Sheikh Taki tried to kill God Kabir 52 times, but on every effort, God Kabir explained the knowledge to the crowd and took them in shelter and did welfare of millions and Sheikh Taki's all evil attempts failed.

Once a Bhagat named Dhanna fed the sorghum seeds to the hungry sadhus which were to be sown in the field and sowed stone pebbles in place of seeds. Then God Kabir grew gourd in the field in which 5-5 kg ​​of sorghum was filled. Which Dhanna Bhagat distributed to the entire village because there was drought in the village.

Narration of Ved-mantras by buffalo
Kabir Ji went in a feast along with his gurudev Ramanand Ji where considering him to be illterate and to insult him the pandits put the condition to get recite the Ved mantra by the

God called the buffalo standing nearby and invoking the Veda mantra from him, God Kabir said that now this buffalo will accompany you in feast.

God Kabir Sahib took the king of Balakh (Iraq), Sultan Adham, in his shelter after playing many spectacles, explained him knowledge. Adham renounced his kingdom, worshipeed and attained salvation.

Took Kamal in refuge
According to the condition laid down by Sheikh Taki, the life of the dead boy coming in the flowing water was restored. He was named Kamal.

Took Kamali in refuge
On the terms laid by Sheikh Taki God restored life of the girl buried in the grave from six days and took her in shelter and did her welfare

Meerabai was absorbed in the devotion of Krishna Ji and was deprived of the path of salvation. In order to take his beloved soul in his shelter, once God Kabir ji along with Ravidas ji arrived in her city to do satsang. When Mirabai heard that satsang, then she was inspired by the amazing knowledge. She took refuge of God Kabir and got her welfare done.

Writing thirteen cart papers
Once the King of Delhi put a condition that if Kabir ji will write thirteen cart-papers in two and a half days, then I will accept him Khuda. God spun a stick on the cart and wrote all the papers. The King bowed down before God.

Narration of Ved-mantras by buffalo
Kabir Ji went in a feast along with his gurudev Ramanand Ji where considering him to be illterate and to insult him the pandits put the condition to get recite the Ved mantra by the food-eaters.
God called the buffalo standing nearby and invoking the Veda mantra from him, God Kabir said that now this buffalo will accompany you in feast.

Kabir Sahib twiddled Mecca

Once God Kabir Sahib went to Mecca and played the divine spectacle of sleeping by setting foot towards Kaaba. When Qazi saw he said it will be a sin to sleep facing foot towards the mosque. God said move legs where there is no Allah. In the direction in which Kazi moved the feet of God, Mecca moved in the same direction. Kazi finally apologized for his mistake.

God Kabir came as Munindra Rishi in Treta Yug to play divine act.

At that time he met Dattatrey and told him tatvagyan. He even got Satnam but could not get Sarnaam because it had to be kept confidential till this time. If it would be granted at that time then nobody could believe in Sarnaam.

Welfare of Hanuman Ji
After Shri Ram Ji returned to Ayodhya and after being humiliated and expelled from the palace by Sita, Hanuman ji met God Kabir Ji who had appeared in the form of sage Munindra in Treta. By giving true sermons He showed this saintly soul the path of salvation.

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