Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Janmashtami : Is Krishna the supreme God?

Shri Krishna is an incarnation of God Vishnu. His mother is Devki and father is Vasudev.
Every year his birth anniversary is celebrated as Janmashtami.

Shri krishna ji is in birth and death cycle so he is not immortal God. He can not liberate his devotees from birth and death cycle.

Then, who is immortal God. What are the qualities of complete god?

Lord Krishna is incarnation of God but he is not complete God. He resembles qualities of a God. He has qualities of God but he is not a complete God.

Krishna ji did not want the battle of Mahabharata to be fought. He also went to Duryodhana's assembly thrice as a peacemaker. But still it could not be postponed because Lord Krishna is not the complete god. He can't change the situation.

Lord Kabir Is supreme God. He can do the impossibles. He averted war between the Hindus and Muslims when he went back to satlok with body.

Shri Krishna ji raised the Govardhan mountain so that everyone worship one God and not Indra.

Kabir Parmeshwar said that above all the three gods, there is complete god, if we would worship him then only salvation is possible.

If God is merciful, then why did he show his fierce form to Arjuna in the war and why he said that I have just come to eat all.

The assumption is that Draupadi's respect was protected by Lord Krishna by increasing her saree, while the reality is that Lord Krishna was playing chopad with Rukmani at that time and God Kabir in the form of Krishna increased her Saree.

Once Shri Krishna played the flute, the surrounding gopis and cows gathered and listened. Once Kabir Parmeshwar played the flute on the banks of the river Yamuna, the water of the Yamuna got stagnant. All the animals, birds and the gods of the sky also gathered there to listen to him.

Due to the curse of Durvasa Rishi, the whole
Yadav clan was destroyed. Even Lord Krishna was killed by a hunter. He was not able to protect them, then how can he be almighty God?

Lord Krishna resurrected Tamradhwaja the son of king Mordhwaja who was cut by a saw because his life was left but he could not resurrect his nephew Abhimanyu. Why?
Because he can't increase lifespan.

Sri Krishna built Sudama's palace in lieu of a handful of rice, and Kabir Parameshwar gave Taimurlang seven generations rule in exchange for a bun.
Who really is the God ??

God Kabir resurrected a dead boy Kamaal.
Kabir Sahib made alive the girl of Peer Shekhtaki of Delhi's Emperor Sikandar Lodhi, who was buried in the tomb. Lord Kabir showed his strength by making that girl alive. The girl was named Kamali. Only the complete God can resurrect the dead.

He made RamanandJi alive.

The emperor of Delhi, Sikander Lodhi, beheaded & killed the religious Guru Ramanand ji. Then, the Almighty Kabir God blessed the body of Ramanand ji to rejoin with his torso and extended his life.
Only the Supreme God can extend life, others God can't do.

Kabir saheb's appearance day is celebrated in place of birth anniversary. Because he appeared instead of being born.
Sevak hokar utre, is prithvi ke maahi | jiv udharan jagatguru baar baar bali jahi ||
Means praise the lord kabir who appeared as polite saint for emancipation of beloved souls.

Parmeshwar Kabir Sahib Ji appeared on a lotus flower as an infant in Kashi 600 years ago and went to Maghar. In the presence of thousands of people, he went to Satlok with his body. Flowers were found in the place of the body, the evidence of which still exists in Maghar.

God Krishna took birth from a mother's womb so he is not a complete god.

In the Dwapar Yuga, the Ashwamedha Yagna of the Pandavas was performed by the grace of God Kabir.

In Ashwamedha Yagna of Pandavas
Many sages were present even Lord Krishna was present, yet his conch did not blow.
Kabir Parmeshwar blew conch as Sudarshan Supach Valmiki and performed the yagya of the Pandavas.
This is evident in the voice of Garib Das Ji Maharaj
"gareeb supach rup dhari aaeeya, sataguru purush kabeer, teen lok kee medanee, sur nar muni jan bheer"

Saint Garibdas Ji said in his speech that God Kabir appears in all four ages, but due to lack of true spiritual knowledge, we cannot identify him.
Sataguru purush kabeer hain, chaaron yug pravaan.
jhoothe guruva mar gae, ho gae bhoot masaan.

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Janmashtami : Is Krishna the supreme God?

Shri Krishna is an incarnation of God Vishnu. His mother is Devki and father is Vasudev. Every year his birth anniversary is celebrated as ...