Sunday, May 31, 2020

Kabir Parmeshwar is imperishable and he can not be destroyed.

Kabir Parmeshwar is imperishable and he can not be destroyed. Kabir Parmeshwar has come by his real name Kabir Dev in Kalyug.
Sheikh Taki, who was the religious peer of Delhi emperor Sikander Lodhi, told him to put Kabir Parmeshwar in a hot mustard oil pan and told if he does not die, we will consider him God.  Kabir Parmeshwar sat in boiling oil in such a way as if sitting in cold water.
This is the proof of the power of God Kabir.

Kabir Parmeshwar took a test of his 64 lakh disciples.Kabir god along with Ravidas ji and Vaishya sat on the elephant in the big market of Kashi. Seeing this, the people of Kashi complained King Sikander Lodi and the king put iron chains in his legs and in his neck and told him to sit in a boat by putting it in the middle of the Ganges river.  

Kabir Parmeshwar remained seated in the water of the Ganges by folding his feet.

Kabir Parmeshwar is indestructible and cannot be destroyed.
Sikandar Lodhi put handcuffs in Kabir ji's hands, put fetters on the feet and stole in the neck and told him to sit in a boat and put it in the middle of the Ganges river and immersed and tried to kill Kabirji and took it to the middle of the Ganges river and threw it in the water. The handcuffs, fetters of neck broke on their own. Not immersed in water. Seeing this surprise, people could not understand God.

Kabir Parmeshwar is capable God, he cannot be destroyed.
The King of Delhi, Sikander Lodhi, tried to kill Kabir Parmeshwar by a mad elephant, but in vain. Then Kabir Parmeshwar took the form of Babbar sher, which caused the elephant to run away from there.Kabir Parmeshwar also showed Mahavat a lion and he also fled due to fear.  Kabir Parmeshwar showed his great form to Sikander Lodhi but still no one considered Kabir Parmeshwar divine.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Maghar leela of Lord Kabir

The real God is Kabir ji, with each of his miracle one realizes the power of God.
He descended from Satlok on a lotus flower and went along with his body from Maghar. Only a true God can do this.

When Kabir Sahebji went to Satlok (even above heaven) in his physical form, from Maghar, after that, both religions (Hindus and Muslims) took one coverlet and divided the fragrant flowers in half and built memorable a each at a difference of a hundred feet which still exists today.

Saint Garibdas Ji certifies in his writings regarding God Kabir's journey from Maghar to Satlok along with his body :
garib,kaya kashi man maghar, 
dauhon ke madhy kabir,
kashi taj maghar gaya,
paaya nahin shareer.

600 years ago, before leaving his body in Maghar, Kabir Sahib explained his knowledge to all the people, saying that Rama and Allah are one. People of all religions are children of one God.
The great example of Hindu-Muslim unity in Maghar, from where Kabirji had left for Satlok along with his body, there are still lovely temples and mosques that exists at that  place.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Evidence in the speech of various saints that they met God Kabir./विभिन्न संतों की वाणी में प्रमाण कि उन्हें कबीर साहेब साक्षात मिले थे।

Evidence in the speech of various saints that 
they met God Kabir.
विभिन्न संतों की वाणी में प्रमाण कि उन्हें कबीर साहेब साक्षात मिले थे।

पूर्ण परमेश्वर, सर्व सृष्टी रचनहार, कुल करतार तथा सर्वज्ञ कविर्देव (कबीर परमेश्वर) ही है जो काशी (बनारस) में कमल के फूल पर प्रकट हुए तथा 120 वर्ष तक वास्तविक तेजोमय शरीर के ऊपर मानव सदृश शरीर हल्के तेज का बना कर रहे तथा अपने द्वारा रची सृष्टी का ठीक-ठीक (वास्तविक तत्व) ज्ञान देकर सशरीर सतलोक चले गए।
कबीर परमेश्वर ने धर्मदासजी  को सृष्टि रचना के बारे में समझाते हुए कहा है कि,
"धर्मदास यह जग बौराना। कोइ न जाने पद निरवाना।।
            यहि कारन मैं कथा पसारा। जगसे कहियो राम नियारा।।
                        यही ज्ञान जग जीव सुनाओ। सब जीवोंका भरम नशाओ।।

"गरीब, सेवक हो करि ऊतर, इस पथ्वी के माहीं। जीव उधारन जगतगुरु , बार बार बलि जांहि।।
गरीबदास जी ने इस वाणी में बताया है की परमात्मा कबीर (सेवक) दास बनकर ऊपर आकाश में अपने निवास स्थान सतलोक से गति करके उतरकर नीचे पृथ्वी के ऊपर आए। उद्देश्य बताया है कि जीवों का काल जाल से उद्धार करने के लिए जगत गुरू बनकर प्रकट हुए थे।

गरीब दास जी महाराज गाँव छुड़ानी जिला झज्जर वाले को परमात्मा 10 वर्ष की आयु मे मिले सतलोक दिखाया तब गरीब दास जी ने अपनी वाणी मैं कहा है
हम सुल्तानी नानक तारे दादू को उपदेश दिया जाति जुलाहा भेद न पाया वह काशी माहि कबीर हुआ।

गरीबदास महाराज वह प्रत्यक्षदर्शी
संत है जिन्हें कबीर परमेश्वर ने सतलोक के दर्शन कराए तथा अपनी महिमा से परिचित कराया।
पूर्ण  परमेश्वर की सच्चाई से परिचित होने के बाद गरीब दास जी महाराज ने कबीर परमेश्वर की महिमा बताते हुए कहा है कि:- गरीब, जाके अर्ध रूम पर सकल पसारा, ऐसा पूर्ण ब्रह्म हमारा।।
गरीब, अनन्त कोटि ब्रह्मण्ड का, एक रति नहीं भार। सतगुरु पुरुष कबीर हैं, कुल के सृजनहार।।
कबीर परमेश्वर ही सृष्टि के सिरजनहार हैं।

आदरणीय गरीब दास जी को कबीर परमात्मा मिले थे, उन्होंने अपनी वाणीयों में अनेको प्रमाण दिए है की कबीर जी ही पूर्ण परमात्मा है, जिसने सब सृष्टि की रचना की।
"गरीब, जल थल पृथ्वी गगन में बाहर भीतर एक। पूर्ण ब्रह्म कबीर है, अबिगत पुरूष आलेख।"

संत गरीबदास जी ने काशी में प्रकट परमात्मा कबीर को पहचान कर उनकी महिमा अपनी वाणियो में बताई,जो उन्हें  स्वयं कबीर परमेश्वर जी द्वारा बताई गयी थी, 
गरीब, हम ही अलख अल्लाह है, कुतूब गोस और पीर।
 गरीबदास खालिक धनी हमरा नाम कबीर।।

आदरणीय धर्मदासजी(बांधवगढ़, MP वाले) को कबीर परमेश्वर जिंदा महात्मा के रूप में मथुरा में मिले।।
धर्मदासजी की वाणी है- हिन्दू के तुम देव कहाये, मुसलमान के पीर।
दोनों दीन का झगड़ा छिड़ गया, टोहे ना पाये शरीर।।

संत दादूजी को कबीर परमात्मा मिले, उन्होंने अपनों वाणियो में स्पष्ट बताया है की कबीर जी ही कर्ता है सर्व सृष्टि रचनहार हैं 

“कबीर कर्ता आप हैं,दूजा नाहिं कोए।
दादू पूरण जगत को,भक्ति दृढावत सोए।।”

“अबही तेरी सब मिटे, जन्म मरण की पीर।
स्वांस उस्वांस सुमिरले, दादू नाम कबीर।।”

आदरणीय दादू साहेब जी ने अपनी वाणी में कहा है कि :-
जिन मोकुं निज नाम दिया, सोई सतगुरु हमार। दादू दूसरा कोए नहीं, कबीर सृजनहार।।
इस वाणी से स्पष्ट है कि कबीर साहेब ही सर्व सृष्टि के रचनहार है।

श्री नानकदेवजी को पूर्ण परमात्मा कबीर साहेब बेई नदी पर मिले। उनको सतलोक लेकर गये। उनको सतगुरु रूप में दो अख्खर का मंत्र सतनाम दिया। इसी कारण सिक्ख समाज सतनाम, वाहेगुरु बोलते है।

परमेश्वर कबीर साहिब जी नानक जी को सुल्तानपुर के पास बेई नदी पर मिले उन्हें सच्चखंड(सतलोक) दिखाया फिर उन्होंने फरमाया कि *खालक आदम सिरजिआ, आलम बडा कबीर, सजदे करे खुदाई नूं, आलम बडा कबीर*

(श्री गुरु ग्रन्थ साहेब, पृष्ठ नं. 721, महला 1, राग तिलंग)
 आदरणीय नानक साहेब जी की वाणी में लिखा हैं कि :-
यक अर्ज गुफतम पेश तो दर कून करतार। हक्का कबीर करीम तू, बेएब परवरदिगार।।

 सर्व का रचनहार, दयालु,  सर्व सुखदाई परमात्मा कबीर साहेबजी है।

मलूक दास जी को पूर्ण परमात्मा 42 वर्ष की आयु में मिले थे, तथा उन्हें सतलोक लेकर गए। सभी लोकों से परिचित कराया तथा सत्य ज्ञान से परिचित करवाकर नाम उपदेश दिया और सतलोक दिखाया।
तब मलूक दास ने अपने अमृतवाणी में कहा, जपो रे मन सतगुरु नाम कबीर।

पूर्ण परमात्मा कबीर साहेब जिंदा महात्मा के रूप में नानकदेवजी,दादूदयालजी,गरीबदासजी,सुल्तान अधम इत्यादि को मिले जिसका प्रमाण गरीबदासजी की वाणी में मिलता है।
हम सुल्तानी नानक तारे, दादू को उपदेश दिया।
जात जुलाहा भेद न पाया, काशी माहि कबीर हुआ।।

104 वर्ष की आयु में रामानंद जी को पूर्ण परमात्मा कबीर साहेब मिलें। सत्य ज्ञान समझाकर तथा सतलोक दिखाया।तब रामानंद जी ने अपनी अमरवाणी में कहा कि,
दोहूं ठौर है एक तूं,भया एक से दोय। गरीबदास हम कारणैं उतरे हैं मघ जोय। बोलत रामानंद जी, सुन कबीर करतार। गरीबदास सब रूप में, तू ही बोलनहार।।

गरुड़ जी को हुए परमात्मा के दर्शन
"कबीर सागर" के गरुड़ बोध में कबीर परमेश्वर द्वारा पक्षीराज गरुड़ जी को शरण में लेने का विवरण मिलता है। 
परमेश्वर कबीर जी ने गरुड़ जी को शरण में लेकर सतभक्ति प्रदान की थी।

"कबीर सागर" के जगजीवन बोध में परमेश्वर कबीर जी द्वारा राजा जगजीवन सहित उसकी 12 रानियों, 4 पुत्रों को शरण में लेने का विवरण है। उनको कबीर परमेश्वर ने सत उपदेश देकर मोक्ष मार्ग प्रदान किया था।

"कबीर सागर" के भोपाल बोध में विवरण मिलता है 
जालंधर नगर के राजा भोपाल को परमेश्वर कबीर साहेब ने शरण में लेकर सतभक्ति प्रदान की, सतलोक दिखाया। साथ ही राजा भोपाल की 9 रानियों, 50 पुत्रों और एक पुत्री को शरण में लेने का विवरण है।

कबीर परमेश्वर जी अब्राहिम अधम सुल्तान जी को मिले और सार शब्द का उपदेश कराया। 
कबीर सागर के अध्याय " सुल्तान बोध" में पृष्ठ 62 पर प्रमाण है:- 
प्रथम पान प्रवाना लेई। पीछे सार शब्द तोई देई।।
तब सतगुरु ने अलख लखाया। करी परतीत परम पद पाया।।
सहज चौका कर दीन्हा पाना(नाम)। काल का बंधन तोड़ बगाना।।

हनुमान जी को भी मिले थे कबीर परमात्मा
कबीर सागर के "हनुमान बोध" में परमेश्वर कबीर साहेब द्वारा हनुमान जी को शरण में लेने का विवरण है।
परमेश्वर कबीर जी ने हनुमान जी को शरण में लेकर उनमें सत्य भक्ति बीज डाला ।

त्रेता युग में कबीर परमेश्वर मुनींद्र नाम से प्रकट हुए तथा नल व नील को शरण में लिया।
उनकी कृपा से ही समुद्र पर पत्थर तैरे।
धर्मदास जी की वाणी में इसका प्रमाण है,
रहे नल नील जतन कर हार, तब सतगुरु से करी पुकार।
जा सत रेखा लिखी अपार, सिंधु पर शिला तिराने वाले।
धन्य-धन्य सत कबीर भक्त की पीड़ मिटाने वाले।

विभीषण और मंदोदरी को मिले थे परमात्मा
"कबीर सागर" में प्रमाण है कि त्रेतायुग में कबीर परमेश्वर जी मुनींद्र ऋषि के रूप में आए थे। विभीषण और मंदोदरी को शरण में लेकर उन्हें नाम उपदेश देकर सत्य भक्ति प्रदान की। पूरी लंका नगरी में केवल वे दोनों ही भक्ति भाव तथा साधु विचार वाले थे। जिस कारण उनका अंत नहीं हुआ।
सुपच सुदर्शन को मिले कबीर परमात्मा
द्वापर युग में परमात्मा कबीर जी करुणामय नाम से आए हुए थे। उस समय सुपच सुदर्शन को मिले, अनमोल ज्ञान देकर उन्हें सतलोक का वासी किया।

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Natural Calamities

In every walk in with nature one receives far more than he seeks....

But today we are going against nature and facing adverse effects of nature as natural calamities.

Every year we are facing different forms of natural disasters in various parts of the world and losing life and money.
We are facing natural calamities in the form of Flood, earthquake, hurricane, volcanic eruption, landslides, tsunami, wildfire, tornado, blizzard, avalanche etc. They occur due to natural processes but we are the reason behind them.

We can’t really control natural calamities. We can’t stop earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards or tsunamis from occurring. However, we can take preventive measures to minimize their impact on our lives.

We have technology to predict weather conditions and possibility of a hurricane can also be predicted. We have tsunami warning system that warns seashore areas about the arrival of a tsunami. With help of technology we can minimise the impact of these disaster on human lives.

Calamity warning systems, coordinated rescue efforts and well trained disaster management teams can help save many lives during a natural disaster.

In recent times, social media is playing a very positive role. Social media can be  extensively useful in coordinating rescue events and raise money for the victims and  help people.

Natural calamities cause huge economic loss and mount death tolls, people get displaced and missing during such disasters.

Natural calamities destroy countless homes, public structures and factories. They stop businesses from conducting their operations. Transportation gets seriously affected and it results in business operations coming to a halt!

By Disaster Management, we can handle natural calamities. It is the need of the hour. We should also be careful and alert for Natural calamities.

Governments should also take time and reevaluate things like town and infrastructure planning disaster prevention, precautions and rescue operations and rehabilitation process of victims.

At the end I would like to say
Nature is our friend and the precious gift to us given by God but our excess hunger
has disturbed it and today we all are seeing the raging form of nature, sometimes as earthquakes, sometimes volcanoes, sometimes tsunamis, sometimes landslides, hurricanes, sometimes famines.

We have exploited nature excessively in the blind race of development, now we have to wake up or else it will be too late.

Presently spiritual saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is making people aware of this, he advises his followers to live life with less resources. He is giving this inspiration to his disciples by which they are leading a normal life so that the nature can be protected. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj by his satsang tells that humans should have limited requirements, if we all follow his teachings then the standard of nature will be improved.

Today, in the blind race of urbanization, industrialisation  the forests are being cut and the big houses are being built in the name of development that's the reason of landslide and famine.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj says that a human being can live in a small house with limited requirements, if all will follow  teachings of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, then we will overcome natural calamities.

"Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy."

So adapt simplicity and protect ourselves from natural calamities.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Environmental Degradation

It is always said, "A healthy mind resides in a healthy body", but to have a healthy body, we also need a healthy and clean environment. 

Today, environmental degradation is the result of human activities.Its a great threat for the planet. We have only one earth to live and work for our existence. If environment will be degraded then where will we live? Our existence is dependent on a disease-free environment.

The High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations has enlisted environmental degradation as one of the ten threats for us. We are excessively exploiting the available resources of the earth.
These natural resources are water, air, flora  and fauna.

We have scarce water resources yet they are being wasted. Large amount of water is used in industries and for urbanisation. Even the waste by industries is also thrown in water bodies.Growing population is also contributing to this ecological crisis.
It's high time to find a solution for this problem. If ignored it can be fatal.

So let's conserve water, otherwise we will repent later. We are wiping out both biotic and abiotic components in our environment.

Forest fire, wiping out the animal habitat areas, acid rain, the occurrence of different types of pollution such as water, air, soil pollution, urbanisation by cutting trees from a large area and many others are natural and man made activities.

It directly affects us.

People these days are so busy that they do not care for the environment. Garbage is dumped on the road which pollutes the land. In fact, trees which purify the air and the surrounding are cut mercilessly. Forests are cleared for settlement of people.

Governments, International Organisations, and NGOs Move to Protect Lives and the Climate from Dangerous Air Pollution.

"If we manage to reduce short lived climate pollution, we not only save millions of lives but also reduce global warming by as much as 0.6 degrees by 2050. This will be a significant contribution to limit global warming to 2 degrees," Ms Sundoft said. "This is some of the most important work the world community can do in the coming years. Often there are small and cheap efforts that are needed, such as using solar energy to heat and light up houses. But this isn't only about emissions from poor countries. For instance, diesel vehicles cause significant health problem in big cities across the world. Thus we have a considerable task ahead of us."

Many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are taking proactive steps to help protect and heal natural areas, and US with it.

EcoDrive is a Hong Kong-based organization that seeks to raise awareness of the dangers of single-use plastic. Through educating at schools, panels and presentations, the 11 women that founded this organization seek to reduce plastic use in their country. They also reach out to corporate offices to educate people in the workplace and how that reduction can lead to a cleaner city.

Presently, we all are the cause of degradation of the environment. The increasing demand level of human beings has brought pollution to such a level that it's very difficult to breath. 

  In Lockdown, when all stayed at home, all industrial activities stopped and vehicles stopped running, the pollution level became normal and the environment started breathing.

 Therefore, for conserving environment we will have to improve ourselves.Currently, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is giving this inspiration to his disciples by which they are leading a normal life so that the environment can be protected. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj by his satsang tells that humans should have limited requirements, if we all follow his teachings then the level of pollution will be controlled.

 Today, in the blind race of urbanization, industrialisation  the forests are being cut and the big houses are being built in the name of development, due to which more water is used and natural resources are also exploited excessively.  Three to four vehicles are there in one home, doing vehicular pollution, if we limit our desires, then the environment can be protected.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj says that a human being can live in a small house with limited requirements, if all will follow  teachings of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, then the environment pollution will be eliminated.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wrong way of worship has made us atheist.

At present, man has gone far off devotion and has moved towards atheism, due to that everyone is unhappy today. All are suffering physically and mentally. The reason of all these pandemics is atheism.

Today, there is no pity in humans, truth, and humanity is not alive. Most of the people in the world consume intoxicants and indulged in eating meat. China is an atheist country because it followed Buddhism. Buddhism is not a right way of worship. 

The natural calamities are coming at present and people are dying from time to time due to severe diseases, we have forgotten the constitution of God. Today the whole world is affected by coronavirus, there is chaos everywhere, science has knelt down on its knees, there is no cure. Millions of people are dying.

What is the reason for this?

Atheism and wrong way of worship.

God never said that we should persecute innocent people, eat meat and take drugs.
Now you will say, that we do devotion.

We also remember God, we go to temples, we also go to pilgrimages, then why do we suffer, thinking this, people go away from God.

If we see, every person remembers God in one way or the other, but what is the reason that God does not listen to them. The reason for this is that we are doing wrong devotion, but it is not based on our holy scriptures. Due to this, we do not get the benefits of devotion that should be received and that is why man has become an atheist today.

In order to stop atheism, God incarnates himself in one form or the other so that the faith of the followers remains in God, sometimes for Prahlada to kill Hiranyakashyap, sometimes as Jesus Christ, sometimes as Lord Krishna, sometimes as Lord Vishnu, to end the sufferings of his devotees. He is the absolute divine who protects Meera and saves Draupadi from rip-off.

God always exists in some form or the other so that the belief in people can be upheld.

God is the same and so are the benefits that come from him.

The fault is ours.

Are we making a mistake in recognizing God?

Now your answer will be that everyone knows God.

We believe that he hears us, no matter in which form we remember God.  But this is not the truth.

If your name is Rajiv and you are called Kapil, will you listen?


In the same way, God is someone else.  We are not familiar with the real God, we do not call him.

We do not remember him so he is not able to protect us. Who is the real god?

Currently, this information has been provided by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Saint Rampal ji is that saint who is mentioned in Geetaji, who has given the correct information about the reverse tree of the world, including its parts. This is the identity of the tatvadarshi saint in Gita Ji.  Even in the Vedas, it is said about the visionary saint that he will be knowing the  four Vedas, eighteen Puranas and all the scriptures.

To pass in our school exams, we study according to syllabus, only then we get promoted in further classes, in the same way, we have to study according to spiritual syllabus in order to pass in the class of life. 

It is known that the aim of human life is to attain salvation, we are suffering from the disease of birth and death. If we worship according to the spiritual scriptures then we can be free from the disease of birth and death.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is giving us the knowledge of our scriptures which is our spiritual course till date and no spiritual teacher has told us about our spiritual course. For this reason many people ruined their lives by becoming devout or they became atheists.

Human life is precious, after having experienced 84 lakhs yonis, we get human life once, so know the right method of devotion today and become a theist.

For knowing right way of worship, please watch Sadhna Channel at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Eating meat is a barrier in the path of salvation

Kabir ji says in his sacred speech," Maans ahari manav pratyaksh raksha jaan.Tinki sangat mati kari,hove bhakti me haani.

All Holy scriptures prohibit to eat meat.

Meat eaters are Demons
The Vedas and the Gita are the main texts of Hinduism, the essence of the Vedas and the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita is that eating meat is a sin.

It is told in Gita ji that human thoughts are formed by food.
The mind will become like what you eat.
"Jaisa khaye ann, waisa hoga man."

It is mentioned in the Yajurveda that man should consider all living beings of God as soul.

"Kabir, maans aahari manav, pratyaksh rakshas jani, taki sangati mati kare, hoi bhakti mein hani"  

Meat eaters are demons.Their association results in loss of devotion so the devotee should not associate with them.

"Jeev hinsa kare, prakat pap sir hoy,
Nigam puni aise pap te, bhist gaya na koy"

God Kabir says by killing animals you are committing sin. Nobody went to Bhist (heaven) after doing this heinous sin. Then why innocent people are doing such a big crime ?

“Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures, and injury to sentient beings is detrimental to the attainment of heavenly bliss; let him therefore shun the use of meat. 
(Manu-samhita 5.48-49)

“He who injures harmless creatures from a wish to give himself pleasure, never finds happiness in this life or the next.” (Manu-samhita 5.45)
Hinduism fully advocates vegetarianism and love for nature. Vegetarianism is the pivot round which Vedic philosophy revolves.

Do not kill any life as the same life force pervades all. The sin of your actions will never leave you, even if you listen to millions of scriptures.

Meat is prohibited In Kabir Panth
Almighty God Kabir Ji says those who slaughter, eat flesh, that criminal soul after death goes to hell along with his parents

Eating meat is a great sin because eating meat in all our scriptures is prohibited and it is God's command too.
A meat eater cannot attain God.

According to Srimad Bhagavad Gita, eating meat is a demonic quality. Consuming meat and alcohol is called tamasic food. People who eat this type of food are sinful, malicious, unhappy, lazy and patient.

Garib Das Ji Maharaj has said in his speech that God (Allah) gets away from the person who eats meat.
Musalman Gaaye bhaki ,Hindu khaya Suar, Garibdas dono deen se Ram Rahima duur.
Meat eating is prohibited in Bible 
The Holy Bible says that God created small seeded plants for humans. But never ordered meat to eat.

It is not mentioned in Quran to eat meat.

In Satyuga, Treta, Dwapar, non-vegetarians were called demons. In Kalyug, increasing number of people of such demonic tendencies is a matter of concern. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alcohol ruins lives.

Alcohol is mother of all the evils.

In today's modern society alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse has become one of the most complex, life-threatening issues. 

Alcohol addiction can afflict anyone and knows no limits of its damage that it can do to a person’s life or the people in their lives.


Never consume alcohol. 

Janmashtami : Is Krishna the supreme God?

Shri Krishna is an incarnation of God Vishnu. His mother is Devki and father is Vasudev. Every year his birth anniversary is celebrated as ...