Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wrong way of worship has made us atheist.

At present, man has gone far off devotion and has moved towards atheism, due to that everyone is unhappy today. All are suffering physically and mentally. The reason of all these pandemics is atheism.

Today, there is no pity in humans, truth, and humanity is not alive. Most of the people in the world consume intoxicants and indulged in eating meat. China is an atheist country because it followed Buddhism. Buddhism is not a right way of worship. 

The natural calamities are coming at present and people are dying from time to time due to severe diseases, we have forgotten the constitution of God. Today the whole world is affected by coronavirus, there is chaos everywhere, science has knelt down on its knees, there is no cure. Millions of people are dying.

What is the reason for this?

Atheism and wrong way of worship.

God never said that we should persecute innocent people, eat meat and take drugs.
Now you will say, that we do devotion.

We also remember God, we go to temples, we also go to pilgrimages, then why do we suffer, thinking this, people go away from God.

If we see, every person remembers God in one way or the other, but what is the reason that God does not listen to them. The reason for this is that we are doing wrong devotion, but it is not based on our holy scriptures. Due to this, we do not get the benefits of devotion that should be received and that is why man has become an atheist today.

In order to stop atheism, God incarnates himself in one form or the other so that the faith of the followers remains in God, sometimes for Prahlada to kill Hiranyakashyap, sometimes as Jesus Christ, sometimes as Lord Krishna, sometimes as Lord Vishnu, to end the sufferings of his devotees. He is the absolute divine who protects Meera and saves Draupadi from rip-off.

God always exists in some form or the other so that the belief in people can be upheld.

God is the same and so are the benefits that come from him.

The fault is ours.

Are we making a mistake in recognizing God?

Now your answer will be that everyone knows God.

We believe that he hears us, no matter in which form we remember God.  But this is not the truth.

If your name is Rajiv and you are called Kapil, will you listen?


In the same way, God is someone else.  We are not familiar with the real God, we do not call him.

We do not remember him so he is not able to protect us. Who is the real god?

Currently, this information has been provided by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Saint Rampal ji is that saint who is mentioned in Geetaji, who has given the correct information about the reverse tree of the world, including its parts. This is the identity of the tatvadarshi saint in Gita Ji.  Even in the Vedas, it is said about the visionary saint that he will be knowing the  four Vedas, eighteen Puranas and all the scriptures.

To pass in our school exams, we study according to syllabus, only then we get promoted in further classes, in the same way, we have to study according to spiritual syllabus in order to pass in the class of life. 

It is known that the aim of human life is to attain salvation, we are suffering from the disease of birth and death. If we worship according to the spiritual scriptures then we can be free from the disease of birth and death.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is giving us the knowledge of our scriptures which is our spiritual course till date and no spiritual teacher has told us about our spiritual course. For this reason many people ruined their lives by becoming devout or they became atheists.

Human life is precious, after having experienced 84 lakhs yonis, we get human life once, so know the right method of devotion today and become a theist.

For knowing right way of worship, please watch Sadhna Channel at 7:30 p.m.

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